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MCQs in Tropical Medicine

Rob Skelly DTM+H FRCP

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Answer 49 Infective endocarditis

The following are recognised features of infective endocarditis
False a. erythema marginatum
True b. Roth spots
True c. proteinuria
True d. Osler's nodes
True e. splenomegaly

Erythema marginatum is a major criterion for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever. Those with a past history of rheumatic fever are at increased risk of developing infective endocarditis.

Table 49

Clinical features of infective endocarditis
heart murmurs
splinter haemorrhages
Janeway lesions (non-tender macules)
Roth spots (due to retinal vasculitis)
Osler's nodes (in pulp spaces)
heart failure
clubbing (in subacute cases)
mycotic aneurysms

Copyright: Rob Skelly 2006